“Reframing Cancer: From Genetic Mutation to Metabolic Dysfunction – Insights from Dr. Otto Warburg and the Pioneers of Modern Medicine”
"That which has been is what will be, That which is done is what will be done, And there is nothing new under the sun."Ecclesiastes 1:9
The above paper was one of the essential revolutionizing papers recently published ( leading authors Baghli, Markis, et al.) It reaches back to 1931 with Dr. Otto Warburg’s hypothesis that cancer is not a bodily mutation problem with DNA mutations causing cancer but a metabolic and that the Mitochondria are the problem. It brings disease, stating up-to-date research. In addition, it shows that the root cause of cancer starts in our Mesenchymal Stem Cells.
Standing on the giants in Medicine from Warburg & Gerson (1930s), Klenner (1940s), Pauling (1950s), Riordan (1970s), Levy (2000s), Capp’s 2019 work about Cancer Stem Cell (CSC) Theory, to coming back and confirming Warburg’s theory that cancer is a metabolic disease (Seyfried & Chinopoulos, 2021) the study concludes that cancer is not just a metabolic disease in any cell. But it is a metabolic dysfunction in our Mesenchymal Stem Cells.
This paper should be on mainstream media. It should be discussed in the New England Journal of Medicine, The Lancet, and The British Medical Journal of Medicine. DJT likes to call MSM “Fake News”; I like to call on these “leading” medical journals as “Fake Medicine.” They will never acknowledge this paper. I am pretty sure they will try to debunk this paper in the next few months. There is too much money involved in chemotherapy and radiation treatments. I am treating one of my patients with “turbo-cancer,” and she has already made up her mind that she will not get chemotherapy. She still needs her oncologist for a PET scan and other tests, so she still has to see him. She told me that on every single visit, he would press her to get this chemotherapy for 6-8 sessions. We decided to look at the cost of one chemotherapy session; it was 46,000 dollars per drip. One-third of that money would go to her Oncologist; she would have to pick up the deductible, and the rest would go to Big Pharma and her health insurance. Modern medicine, as the majority of the American public is now waking up after 2020, is a mafia scam. For Christians who are reading this, please pray for physical protection from the Holy Spirit for Dr. Markis’ life as he is under attack.
Life at conception begins with a spark or a light. From there, embryonic stem cells differentiate into different systems, organs, and cells. As adults, while we don’t have any more embryonic stem cells, we do have adult stem cells, which are called Mesenchymal Stem Cells.
Dr. Arnold Kaplan, who did his PhD at Johns Hopkins, discovered and named these mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in the early 1990s.These cells can differentiate into various cell types, including bone, cartilage, muscle, and fat.
However, in recent years, when he taught us about this topic in our Longevity Science fellowship, Dr. Kaplan has advocated for a shift in terminology, suggesting that MSCs should be called medicinal signaling cells rather than mesenchymal stem cells. Research has shown that MSCs may not primarily function by differentiating into various cell types but instead by secreting bioactive molecules that help modulate the immune system, reduce inflammation, and promote tissue repair. They fix things.
They are like our Navy Seals, specialized and trained with a particular set of skills to fix trouble areas. With America in our current state of chaos, where are our Navy Seals?
The pathology: “All roads lead to the Mitochondria.” Dr. William Seeds
If we examine the mitochondria closer and focus on the inner membrane, we see protons pumping into the matrix through four complexes, creating a photon gradient. From an electrical photon gradient, energy is transferred to a chemical flow, and then that flow would turn the enzyme ATP synthase mechanically to produce energy. This is life, and life needs oxygen. When I stare at the electron transport system, oxidative phosphorylation, or redox (reduction-oxidation) process (all the same with different names), I can’t see how Darwinism can exist. It is impossible! We are wonderfully, elegantly, and artistically created.
At the initial injury, the electron transport system fails. This may initiate tumorigenesis in one or more normal stem cells, leading to cancer formation in our stem cells. The degree of malignancy could be directly correlated with a significantly lower number of mitochondria and lower total respiratory capacity in tumor cells (Elliott et al.,2012; Pedersen, 1978; Seyfried et al., 2020). A good analogy is when you are flying a plane, and the engine fails. Because God created many redundancies in our system, we can generate energy without using the electron transport chain through Glycosis. This does not need oxygen. Try to visualize rucking with a 30-pound backpack up a hill, and you are gasping for oxygen but determined to make it up the mountain; Glycolysis takes over. It is quick, and only a little energy is needed, but you can reach your destination because of it.
Cancer occurs when this second mechanism of energy is activated with oxygen in our stem cells. For cancer cells to grow and survive, the primary fuels glucose and glutamine must be used to compensate for the insufficiency of the electron transport system. This impairment induces overexpression of oncogenes and inactivation of tumor-suppressor genes, which contribute to abnormal energy metabolism in cancer.
Why Chemotherapy and radiation therapy can only hold off cancer? One can get into remission with traditional treatment, but it does not address our stem cells.
If you are suffering from cancer or in remission, please read the entire paper. It is relatively easy to read. Dr. Carson wrote a book called “Big Picture”. The big picture is, why wait until you have cancer to implement this strategy? As a longevity-trained physician, I always focus on the Mitochondria. If you are healthy, I would optimize your Mitochondria. If you have an acute illness, my focus remains on the Mitochondria. If you have a chronic disease, it stays on the Mitochondria. If you have cancer, my focus is on overdrive to fix the engine of the plane, the Mitochondria.
Big Picture,
Anthony Phan MD
Very interesting article, considering Mario’s history this is the kind of stuff that pulls me in. I’ve been researching more of the mitochondria and cellular health (thanks to you!!) And in your opinion what is the Top 3 things we can do for our mitochondria?
Excellent article!! Thank you